Rosehill Public School

Ever Onward

Telephone02 9637 2202 Cricos: S046506

About our school

Rosehill Public School is located in Sydney's western suburbs five kilometres from the Parramatta and has close associations with Sydney's early days.

The school is located near the site of Sydney's first farm established by James Ruse in 1789 and the original school building erected in 1886 is still in use as a library. Today, the school serves the suburbs of Harris Park, North Granville and East Parramatta, all of which are characterised by high density residential development. 84% of the children attending the school are from non-English speaking backgrounds (NESB) with many claiming Rosehill as their first Australian school. The school has a pre-school facility and an early childhood clinic is located in the school grounds. The school places a heavy emphasis on teaching the basic skills of literacy and numeracy and early intervention is seen as a key factor in catering for the special needs of children attending the school.

View our information booklet (PDF 813KB)

School song

Rosehill is our school, we are proud of its name,

We are proud of its history, of its freedom and fame.         

We just like to help, we just want to try;

When troubled we can smile,

"Ever onward" is our cry, rise up high! high! high!               

Rosehill is our school where we learn and we play,

We will strive to do our best every moment of the day.

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